
Emerging Talent

13 de December de 2023

A year that
continues to recover ground in the social field after the shock of the
pandemic, where the deterioration of Health with long waiting lists or the
emergence of Mental Health as a priority are still the main unhealed wounds.

Young people who contribute
Focus on
the emerging values of our society. On the people who remind us that a living
society must be open to the new generations who add talent to the environment.
An idea that is not so easy to implement in an old society that sometimes
leaves little room for the new and has to make the effort to adapt to the
values brought by the next generation. By the way, a young generation,
increasingly smaller in numbers and with greater opportunities in a global
society, who live the same in Tudela or in Turin, because there are no borders
to hold them back as in the past. Forty young people, forty emerging values,
are the protagonists of this supplement.

The centripetal effect
this is the new war unleashed to keep a community alive. A small community like
Navarre is fully affected by the tendency for the capital to concentrate
services and attract population in relation to the periphery. The same is true
of Pamplona’s effect on Tudela, Estella or Tafalla or the network of
intermediate towns in Navarre. The population, the younger ones, go where they
see better professional opportunities and cutting-edge services, including the
cultural and leisure offer, which is gaining ground in terms of vital needs.

A pending challenge
In the same
way that the very large Navarrese colony scattered around the world, the one
that appears in the pages of the newspaper in the last Monday edition,
highlights the challenge of attracting talent that has gone abroad in search of
specialised training, opportunities and new ways of understanding life and
work. Nerea Pérez, former spokesperson for Team Europe in Navarre and now
working in the European Parliament, offers her advice in this supplement on how
to facilitate the return home. And attracting talent is not a challenge that
can be solved with a single measure. The 40 testimonies of young talent in this
supplement bear witness to this very well: demands from the front line of
talent that have an impact not only on the regional government, but also on
companies, universities and society as a whole. Because the concept of Marca
Navarra evokes the things we already do well.

Regional Minister of Industry, Mikel Irujo, reminds us that the destinations
that are going to prosper for talent are those that are “sustainable,
healthy and safe” with an attractive environment and opportunities for
personal development. Javier Taberna, President of the Chamber of Commerce,
added other factors, such as taxation, “which works against us”, and
Navarre’s limited connectivity. Meanwhile, Diego Garrido, coordinator of SINAI,
Navarra’s R&D&I system, explains how this ecosystem can be one of
Navarra’s great strengths in attracting human capital. Ramón Gonzalo, rector of
the UPNA, points out how the university acts as a catalyst for talent towards
the territory that hosts it. And María Iraburu, Rector of the University of
Navarre, shares the reflection and adds the need for “well-defined
commitments” between us and to “join” initiatives from the
public and private sectors. Firstly, to make a real commitment to the challenge
of talent.
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