
Application Deadline for Strategic R&D 2023 Project Grants Open

3 de May de 2023

The Department of Economic and Business Development has published in the BON the call for applications for grants to carry out strategic R&D projects 2023-2026, with a budget of 16.6 million euros. Applications may be submitted from 22 April to 22 May, via the web page of the procedure’s portal.

The projects must be presented by a consortium formed by at least 3 independent entities and in this call the edition of a SINAI agent is compulsory. The projects to be presented must have a budget of more than one million euros and will have an execution period of 3 years.

There are 8 different challenges in the call with a total budget allocated:

  • Challenge 1: sustainable and connected mobility (VOLTA VII). The total budget allocated to this challenge is 2,150,000 euros.
  • Challenge 2: green energy industry (AERO VII). The total budget allocated to this challenge is 2,150,000 euros.
  • Challenge 3: Personalised medicine and advanced therapies (GEMA VII). The total budget earmarked for this challenge is 2,150,000 euros.
  • Challenge 4: Healthy and sustainable food (ALPES VI). The total budget allocated to this challenge is 2,150,000 euros.
  • Challenge 5: digital innovation in S4 sectors (IRIS V). The total budget allocated to this challenge is 2,150,000 euros.
  • Challenge 6: Emerging disruptive ideas applied (IDEA V). The total budget allocated to this challenge is 1,550,000 euros.
  • Challenge 7: innovative solutions in biotechnology (SIBERIA V). The total budget allocated to this challenge is 2,150,000 euros.
  • Challenge 8: circular economy (ZIRKULAR I). The total budget allocated to this challenge is 2,150,000 euros.

The projects included in Challenge 1 and Challenge 2 are eligible for co-financing by the European Union through the ERDF 2021-2027 programme of Navarra, with a financing rate of 40%.

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