
Biospain 2021 congress confirms the good shape of health sector in Navarra

4 de October de 2021

Around thirty Navarran health sector representatives participated actively on various activities and debates organized by Biospain 2021 (*) that was held in Palacion de Congresos y Auditorio de Navarra, Baluarte, on 27th to 30th of last october. Their participation confirmed also the good health this sector has in Navarra, and also the enormous potential that it has ahead in key areas as research, knowledge, talent and patent and business generation.

In this way the presence of Navarra representatives was noticed in an appointment that congregated around 1.100 individuals of this sector (60% of them on-site in Pamplona) from about 600 entities coming from 30 different countries, that could attend up to 38 panels in which 167 experts intervened, 35 of them from other countries. Along this, the more than 2.000 one-to-one meetings held during this event made easy to make contacts to everyone, and also ideas generation around innovation and collaboration, two key levers fot the growth of this highly tecnological and ahead sector. 


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