
International Event on Personalized Medicine: January 17-18 2023

14 de December de 2022

The EP PerMed event was announced by Minister Irujo at the opening of the #EventoEstratégicoS4, held recently at the University Hospital of Navarra.

Health represents a strategic and economic engine for Navarra, being one of the key sectors of the S4 smart specialization strategy. The region is also a pioneer in Spain in developing a personalized medicine strategy.

In 2020, the turnover of the healthcare sector was 791 million euros, with a growth of 20% compared to 2016. Likewise, this sector employs more than 31,000 professionals in Navarra, of which nearly 2,500 belong to the healthcare industry and 1,000 are research personnel.

The importance of personalized medicine in Navarra is confirmed by the fact that the International Consortium for Personalized Medicine, ICPerMEd, has chosen this region to hold its next international event, which is expected to bring together more than 200 international experts in this sector.

Its objective will be to share experiences and present examples of best practices in the field of personalized medicine. There will be several plenary sessions on key areas such as, for example, the personalized medicine innovation system and industrial collaboration.

To participate in the event, an invitation is required. Interested persons can contact the ICPerMed Secretariat at [email protected].

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