
Internationalization Day 2022

7 de December de 2022

Mikel Irujo, Minister of Economic and Business Development, was in charge of carrying out the institutional opening of the conference, underlining “the indisputable virtuous circle of internationalization-innovation-growth”. Next, Fernando Arancón, director of El Orden Mundial, offered a vision of the geopolitical scenario that has been modeled as a result of various global events and their consequences on international trade.

The second presentation was made by David Muñoz, head of the Sustainability department of ICEX Spain Export and Investment, who highlighted in his presentation the role of sustainability as a factor of competitiveness when internationalizing. In this sense, the companies from Navarra Exkal and Embutidos Goikoa shared their respective sustainability strategies and their importance to be differential.

For the rest, there were presentations and round tables on blockchain, a technology that aims to establish itself in international trade by providing elements such as security and immutability in transactions.

Finally, between the presentations, there was time to recognize the work of the mentors who participate in the Mentoring for Internationalization program, framed in the actions of the International Plan of Navarra 2021-2022 PIN 4.

For more information about the conference, consult the source of the information at the following link:

https://www.planinternacionaldenavarra.es/es/actualidad/el-dia-de-la-internacionalizacion-reune-a-mas-de-200-personas-en-una-jornada-dedicada-a-nuevas-tendencias- in-international-trade

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