
Mexican companies learn from companies from Navarre

18 de October de 2023

This is the
objective of eight representatives of Mexican companies, students of the IESDE
(Instituto de Estudios Superiores en Dirección de Empresas) private school in
Puebla, Mexico, who have come to Pamplona for four days to analyze, discover,
share, dialogue and look for bridges in companies that can be used to increase
their business. This is not the first time for this school, which has already
visited Navarra three times with Imeanticipa, a Navarre-based
internationalization, business and competitive intelligence consultancy firm,
with a presence in Navarra and specialized in Mexico, where Ricardo Oroz works
“We visit companies and attend conferences,” explains the professor.
He is accompanied by representatives of Mexican companies that build industrial
buildings, owners of a hospital, of a real estate company that builds hospitals
and housing, of Gestamp, of Volkswagen, of business insurance and of special
stone extraction.

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