
Navarre is the Spanish region with the best health services

10 de May de 2023

A study by the Federation of Associations for the Defence of Public Health places Navarre as the region with the best health services, followed by the Basque Country in Spain. Both regions have led the ranking of this report over the last five years, exchanging positions.

Navarre (third in per capita expenditure) allocates a budget of 2,019.65 euros per capita to health services, which places it in third place, behind Asturias and the Pais Vasco. In terms of National Health System beds, Navarre registers 2.69 beds per thousand inhabitants in the public health system, 3.74 if those in the private sector are taken into account.

The ratio of primary care doctors per 1,000 inhabitants is 0.64. Navarre has the highest percentage of patients who ask for an appointment with a specialist and receive it within 30 days, with 42.4%. It also has the best data in the category of people who say that when they ask for an appointment in Primary Care they receive it within 24 hours, with 30.8%.

The average score for healthcare in Navarre is 6.42 out of 10. With 88.05%, it has the highest percentage of citizens who having received care in primary care, specialist consultations, emergencies or hospitalisation, consider that the care they received was good or very good.

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