
Navarra has over 3,500 unfilled jobs

18 de January de 2023

The data from the Navarre Employment Service corroborate the fact that jobs are scarce, but the reality of the market is not so negative, as the data also show that thousands of vacancies remain unfilled in Navarre due to the fact that the right profiles cannot be found or, failing that, due to the high level of specialisation that these posts require.

A phenomenon that illustrates like few others one of the great paradoxes of the labour market and which raises some serious questions that call for a paused reflection: the impossibility of filling several thousand jobs, some traditional and others not so traditional, jobs with and without qualifications, in a small community with the third highest average salary in Spain but where there are still more than 31,000 people actively looking for a job or at least registered as such in the records of the Navarrese Employment Service.

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