
23 de November de 2022

The Confederación Empresarial de Navarra (CEN) recently organized a new session of the #cendigital program.

This program is an initiative to support and accompany Navarrese companies in the processes of change and digitization.

17 de November de 2022

“People who improve companies” is the V edition of the annual recognition organized by the Navarra Business Confederation (CEN).

This award is launched with the aim of Navarre companies rewarding those workers who contribute to business competitiveness and who promote a good working environment and a feeling of belonging and commitment.

15 de November de 2022

On Thursday, November 3, the Pyme Award 2022 in Navarra was held, an event that took place at the Santander Work Cafe.

Five companies were candidates to obtain this recognition, among which were Oxyhydrogen Technologies, Quesos La Vasco Navarra, Solarfam Engineering, Ulartec Technology for Sustainable Mobility and VDR.

21 de January de 2022

When pulp is removed from cellulose, paper mills produce a substance known as black liquor. Up until now there has been little use for it, and it is often burned to produce electricity. In CENER laboratories, however, it is being recovered in order to extract and processkraftlignin, a polymer that researchers have used to develop an antioxidantfrom a renewable source. The initiative, coordinated by ADItech, acting in turn as the coordinating agent for SINAI, and funded by Navarra’s Regional Government, not only aims to offer a new product to agri-food, industrial, and cosmetic companies, but also represents a potential new line of business for the paper sector.

20 de January de 2022

Around fifty representatives of companies from Navarra have attended a conference organised by Navarra’s Regional Government and ENERCLUSTER.

20 de January de 2022

A researcher from Rioja has been awarded a grant to pursue her post-doctoral studies at Navarrabiomed-IdiSNA.

This talented young researcher is receiving funding as part of the Junior Leader post-doctoral grants programme, which allocated a total of 45 grants in 2021 to outstanding researchers.

The programme pursues two objectives: to support talented individuals from Spain and Portugal, allowing them to remain in their home country and carry out their projects in the best conditions; and to internationalise the research system of Spain and Portugal, attracting promising international researchers.

20 de January de 2022

The public company owned by Navarra’s Regional Government will introduce its services to Cordoba’s Municipal Water Company (EMACSA), “which currently serves some 325,000 people”, starting on 1st February. With this agreement, Tracasa will be working with twelve entities managing the whole water cycle in the national territory.

20 de January de 2022

The goal of the two-year Zero Plastics project, funded by Navarra’s Regional Government, is to develop new packaging solutions that do not contain plastics. The partners of the initiative are the Naitec technology centre and the companies Solidus Solutions, Global Local Solutions, Goikoa, Florette, Palacios, Exkal, and Viscofan.

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