Green Energy Industry
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- Green Energy Industry
- Navarra reached the European 2020 goals years in advance and has a renewable energy production percentage of more than 80% of the region’s electricity consumption, with production reaching 3% of the regional GVA.
- In the period 2008-2013, it has consolidated itself as the third economic area by volume of patents, reaching 6.4% of the total. Among other institutions, the region boasts the Renewable Energies National Centre (CENER), a reference centre in Spain, and the Public University of Navarra.
- In terms of exports, renewable energies are the region’s second exporting sector, based mainly on the manufacture of wind turbines and its components.
- The resources area has a long-standing tradition in Navarra, as the region is a pioneer in terms of management and conservation of natural resources, with the recycling of raw materials and water management standing out among other activities (led by the public company, NILSA).
- Navarra is highly specialised in food chemistry (202.8 over 100 of the European average) and with significant growth in recent years; and it also has a Technology Centre that is a national reference.
If you have something to offer Navarra, Navarra has something to offer you.