
30 de August de 2023

It includes 11 activities with new features such as collaboration with airports in the Euroregion to improve connectivity and obtain statistical data on the export of services

23 de August de 2023

Navarra Film Industry has been present in both French locations under its own brands ‘Navarra Animation’ and ‘Navarra Documentary Film’ with the financial support of the Navarra International Plan

16 de August de 2023

The Barbatáin-based company aims for 90% of its turnover to come from international customers. For this reason, they obtained aid from the ICEX Next Programme

9 de August de 2023

The public company of the Government of Navarra, Sodena, will act as a partner of this project in Navarra, together with the General Directorate of Business Policy, International Projection and Labor, and will participate in the exchange of good practices in the field of equality and industry

2 de August de 2023

71.8% of the aid is aimed at promoting strategic research projects developed by SMEs, technology and research centres present in Navarre.

26 de July de 2023

The group of 28 students from Auburn University (Alabama) participated in a five-week engineering programme at the University of Auburn

19 de July de 2023

A public company in Navarre uses machine learning techniques to improve information on air quality in mainland Europe

12 de July de 2023

A major breakthrough in the production of recycled aluminum has been achieved by HYDRO in Navarra
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